Catalytic converter thefts

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El Cid
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Catalytic converter thefts

Post by El Cid »

One of my neighbours had the catalytic converter on her car stolen by thieves the other day. We live off Laurie Park Road. I've seen postings on other local forums about thefts of catalytic converters. It seems to be a new trend by criminals.

On a separate issue, does anyone know what happened at the NatWest bank in the high street on Saturday afternoon? There were two police cars and an ambulance car parked outside, and a crowd of people milling around the entrance.
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Re: Catalytic converter thefts

Post by maestro »

Already been discussed on here. It seems to be Honda Jazz and Toyota Prius cars that are being targeted.

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Re: Catalytic converter thefts

Post by Parker1970 »

El Cid wrote: 2 Dec 2019 09:32

On a separate issue, does anyone know what happened at the NatWest bank in the high street on Saturday afternoon? There were two police cars and an ambulance car parked outside, and a crowd of people milling around the entrance.
Someone was taken ill in the bank and sadly passed away.
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Re: Catalytic converter thefts

Post by danmarwil »

My vehicle was targeted at some point in the last week on Silverdale. One local garage that I spoke with said I was the third person today who had called about a similar theft/repair so criminals were potentially targeting this area over the weekend.
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Re: Catalytic converter thefts

Post by stuart »

Sorry to hear that.My daughter had her Honda Jazz done in Forest Hill.

Ask your repairer to put on welded clamps to make it harder next time. Also park with exhaust side next to the kerb if possible. These guys will always go for the easiest cars. So that's about all you can do.

Re replacement, shop around - my daughter got hers done for arounf £600 from Village Cars in Beckenham - I believe.

So, so annoying and disruptive.

Posts: 31
Joined: 1 Apr 2016 12:05
Location: Sydenham

Re: Catalytic converter thefts

Post by danmarwil »

Thank you, I’ll ask them about welding. The thieves had simply cut the whole section out with an angle grinder so not sure any of the preventative measures will combat that! The part itself isn’t even that expensive for my car but the remedial work will end up being well over 10 x the scrap value!
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