Labour landslide

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Labour landslide

Post by syd »

Hi all, So labour won the local and mayoral elections and the greens pushed the tories into 3rd place and increased their vote by 50% :D

I plan to hold the council to account this term and will drill down on every decision made for lower Sydenham. Whats on your list?

Mine is

Arboculture - A lime tree on my street was hacked to pieces with a chain saw. It was an insult and wouldn’t happen in upper sydenham Im interested in who they hire for maintenance and what is planned.

Traffic displacement - LTN’s are great if you live in one, I don’t and have noticed the difference. Im curious about how they affect pollution in one of the most polluted boroughs in the uk

Noise pollution- Ambulances park at the bottom of my street and have sirens blaring 24/7. I understand the necessity but I also don't want to feel like live in a war zone.
Just John
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Re: Labour landslide

Post by Just John »

Well... trees are good in their place but not close to houses. My foundations were damaged by a street tree and despite the fact that the tree itself was rotten through and through and therefore unsafe, Lewisham resolutely refused to remedy the situation. Eventually it had to be cut down leaving a polluted patch of ground where no tree could now thrive.

I had a team of tree specialists visit me independently.

Trees are beneficial when they are young. The mature trees most people love have little or no beneficial effect. If CO2 production is your beef then consider how much more CO2 is generated when the light is blocked out by these trees and households have to burn electricity to replace the lost light.

Lewisham has the worst policies on people with disabilities. It appears they hate people who are less able. There is less provision for parking for disabled people than in any other inner city authority. They resolutely refuse to comply with their statutory responsibilities claiming they "have no budget".

The winners, in this election are the abstainers. 65% of those on the electoral register could not be bothered to turn out to vote. In my view, where an election cannot attract more than 60% of the electorate to turn out then the election should be deemed invalid and commissioners should be appointed until the local population are prepared to face up to their responsibilities.
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Re: Labour landslide

Post by stuart »

Not just Sydenham & Forest Hill but in most wards the Greens came in second. They were only 100 or so votes short of their first seat.

Still way to go but the only party who could possibly hold the Labour whip to account if LibDems & Tories are prepared to vote tactically next time. May be aided by Labour people who think a one party state not the best form of democracy - even if it is their own.

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Re: Labour landslide

Post by syd »

stuart wrote: 7 May 2022 15:54 Not just Sydenham & Forest Hill but in most wards the Greens came in second. They were only 100 or so votes short of their first seat.

Still way to go but the only party who could possibly hold the Labour whip to account if LibDems & Tories are prepared to vote tactically next time. May be aided by Labour people who think a one party state not the best form of democracy - even if it is their own.

That’s great news! Lewisham labour need a 🥾 up the behind. Since Ive lived here theres been

Dodgy Millwall purchase that was stopped
Nandos debacle
Killing the cherry blossom tree with no notification. It was replaced with slabs of concrete.
and the monstrosity

Sydenham is the only part of London that I know which hasn’t improved in 20 years.
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Re: Labour landslide

Post by Clovers »

What’s this?
stuart wrote: 7 May 2022 15:54

Nandos debacle

I’d like to see more trees planted along the high street. There could also be an opportunity to introduce green walls/roofs to bring more greenery to large blocks like The Gym; the building itself being used is a major improvement from the unused coop but it’s still a bit ugly.

Perhaps also some of the flats above the shops being cleaned up, a lick of paint goes a long way (Not sure if these are Lewisham owned or private so may not be something Lewisham Council would be able to do anyway).
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Re: Labour landslide

Post by stone-penge »

stuart wrote: 7 May 2022 15:54 May be aided by Labour people who think a one party state not the best form of democracy - even if it is their own.

The local labour party have a history of barring any Labour Councillors from future selection if they ask too many questions.
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Re: Labour landslide

Post by perryman »

Just John wrote: 7 May 2022 09:54
Trees are beneficial when they are young. The mature trees most people love have little or no beneficial effect. If
That doesn't sound right at all. Mature trees provide a habitat for birds insects etc. They'll filter out particulates. Offer greater shade, so cooling the air, make walking more pleasant. Are more attractive. Are a massive carbon store. stabilise and condition the soil = less flooding/landslides....
Just John
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Re: Labour landslide

Post by Just John »

perryman wrote: 18 May 2022 02:22
Just John wrote: 7 May 2022 09:54
Trees are beneficial when they are young. The mature trees most people love have little or no beneficial effect. If
That doesn't sound right at all. Mature trees provide a habitat for birds insects etc. They'll filter out particulates. Offer greater shade, so cooling the air, make walking more pleasant. Are more attractive. Are a massive carbon store. stabilise and condition the soil = less flooding/landslides....
You need to read more widely. I was quoting the science. You are stating anecdotes.

When a house suffers subsidence, because of a nearby tree then what is the carbon cost of the repairs? Did you know that your property insurance is invalid if a tallish tree is within 15 feet of your property?

What is the carbon cost of the additional electricity consumed to light rooms that would be perfectly bright enough if trees did not cast their shade on them?

As I said... they are lovely in their place but that place is NOT within a few feet of a house.
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Re: Labour landslide

Post by perryman »

Just John wrote: 18 May 2022 21:01
You need to read more widely. I was quoting the science. You are stating anecdotes.

When a house suffers subsidence, because of a nearby tree then what is the carbon cost of the repairs? Did you know that your property insurance is invalid if a tallish tree is within 15 feet of your property?

What is the carbon cost of the additional electricity consumed to light rooms that would be perfectly bright enough if trees did not cast their shade on them?

As I said... they are lovely in their place but that place is NOT within a few feet of a house.
I think you need to be more selective in your reading!
And I am curious how you light your rooms - flaming torches perhaps? There isn't much of a carbon cost in lighting a home any more.

But sure, natural lighting is important for our well being, as are the sights and sounds of a mature tree. Oh privacy is another thing they offer in built up areas. Damps down road noise. Improves mental health too. All real. I 'lost' a large plane tree nearby recently. Much missed.

We can reach a compromise here if the larger trees are routinely pruned/trimmed/topped. Or perhaps more carefully selected and positioned in the first place. No-one should be planting a tree a couple of feet from a home.

I voted green more as a protest vote. I doubt the greens would actually plant more trees if they did get in. The budget for niceties like that has been retained by central government.
But Lewisham needs a genuine alternative to Labour - The Tory voters in the home counties have the libs to fall back on when it all gets a bit nauseating. London needs a party to keep Labour focussed on their core support - stop them chasing after brexity voters up north. The greens could be that party, although to be fair, I haven't a clue what they currently stand for. We can mould them!
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Re: Labour landslide

Post by stone-penge »

Just John wrote: 18 May 2022 21:01

As I said... they are lovely in their place but that place is NOT within a few feet of MY house.
Fixed it for you.
Chris Best
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Re: Labour landslide

Post by Chris Best »

I am delighted to have been returned as your Sydenham Councillor along with Liam Curran and Jack Lavery and can assure you we are working hard for Sydenham.

The Lewisham Labour Party manifesto is here and we are happy to talk about our plans to improve air quality and what we can do locally to tackle the climate emergency.

We will be consulting on the modal filter that is in place on Silverdale and Bishopsthorpe Road - the issue that the planter keeps being moved on Bishopsthorpe so cars can drive through. Traffic displacement came up on the doorstep during the election and we will make sure when the consultation starts that we promote as widely as possible.

At the moment I have casework on the noise the delivery drivers are making on Spring Hill outside Nandos - as well as housing issues, planning and parking on pavements.

We will continue to hold our monthly surgeries on the first Saturday of the month at Sydenham library and third Saturday of the month at The Sydenham Centre both from 10.30 - 11.30am - if you wish to raise issues in please come along and talk to us.

Cllr Chris Best
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Re: Labour landslide

Post by Ghlpc »

Hi Chris


Look forward to the traffic displacement consultation!

School Streets in the area - a big yes for me, the timed closures work.

LTNs - Bishopsthorpe and Silverdale ..a big no! I think most would agree, except those living on those 2 roads of course.
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Re: Labour landslide

Post by syd »

Chris Best wrote: 24 May 2022 16:30 I am delighted to have been returned as your Sydenham Councillor along with Liam Curran and Jack Lavery and can assure you we are working hard for Sydenham.

The Lewisham Labour Party manifesto is here and we are happy to talk about our plans to improve air quality and what we can do locally to tackle the climate emergency.

We will be consulting on the modal filter that is in place on Silverdale and Bishopsthorpe Road - the issue that the planter keeps being moved on Bishopsthorpe so cars can drive through. Traffic displacement came up on the doorstep during the election and we will make sure when the consultation starts that we promote as widely as possible.

At the moment I have casework on the noise the delivery drivers are making on Spring Hill outside Nandos - as well as housing issues, planning and parking on pavements.

We will continue to hold our monthly surgeries on the first Saturday of the month at Sydenham library and third Saturday of the month at The Sydenham Centre both from 10.30 - 11.30am - if you wish to raise issues in please come along and talk to us.

Cllr Chris Best
Hi Chris, Is there a local budget and activity plan? Im interested in how local maintenance is managed.
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Re: Labour landslide

Post by MET »

Hi Chris - just want to stand up for the quieter majority of people that support the LTNs even if they don't live in them. I hope you continue to introduces measures to improve air quality and make streets more friendly for pedestrians and cyclists. (Can I suggest pedestrianising Sydenham Station Approach? Would be a great spot for a little market, or places to sit with food drink like Coulgate St in Brockley :D ) ... tn-schemes
"Low-traffic neighbourhoods boost cycling, reduce car use and make roads safer"
"no evidence they disproportionately benefited richer people"
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Re: Labour landslide

Post by syd »

MET wrote: 16 Jun 2022 15:41 Hi Chris - just want to stand up for the quieter majority of people that support the LTNs even if they don't live in them. I hope you continue to introduces measures to improve air quality and make streets more friendly for pedestrians and cyclists. (Can I suggest pedestrianising Sydenham Station Approach? Would be a great spot for a little market, or places to sit with food drink like Coulgate St in Brockley :D ) ... tn-schemes
"Low-traffic neighbourhoods boost cycling, reduce car use and make roads safer"
"no evidence they disproportionately benefited richer people"
Hi Met, my issue with ltn’s is they seem designed to stop motorbikes & mopeds . It makes no sense that motorised 2 wheelers are seen as an equivalent problem as turbocharged skip lorries.

It seems like another dig at working class people who’d most likely be delivery drivers and some LTNS are camera enforced ie disproportionate fines on the poorest residents.

Here is an alternative argument ... -deliveroo

Have LTNS and allow all 2 wheelers.
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Re: Labour landslide

Post by Ghlpc »

MET wrote: 16 Jun 2022 15:41 Hi Chris - just want to stand up for the quieter majority of people that support the LTNs even if they don't live in them. I hope you continue to introduces measures to improve air quality and make streets more friendly for pedestrians and cyclists. (Can I suggest pedestrianising Sydenham Station Approach? Would be a great spot for a little market, or places to sit with food drink like Coulgate St in Brockley :D ) ... tn-schemes
"Low-traffic neighbourhoods boost cycling, reduce car use and make roads safer"
"no evidence they disproportionately benefited richer people"
Improve air quality, safer streets....I don't think anyone would disagree with this proposal and are all for this.

However, if you close a road to cars, of course it will reduce car use.

Anyway, if the study was conducted during the periods of the pandemic (when no one went out), then again the findings will obviously support the claims.

LTNs were rushed in, ill thought out and implemented badly. The choice of roads closed in our area make absolutely no sense when you base it on the criteria used.
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