I'm sorry VB - did not read it that your comments were focused solely on SG.vbsydenham wrote: 26 Jan 2021 12:44 Not HMG, JGD. SG.
It shouldn't be a prioirty for SG because 100% of civil service capacity is going to manage the pandemic at the moment. I don't know what function you would redeploy people from to resource the census.
Even so - my points apply to ALL our govt's - national and devolved then.
I make no proposal to redeploy resource internally within govt bodies.
I argue it is essential that additional resource is found, employed and/or commissioned for these important tasks.
We are in unique and exceptional circumstances of the deepest national emergency possibly in our nations' histories therefore the imperative must be that we step outside what might be perceived as "normal governmental activity" and address these exceptional needs - and urgently.