As we are talking lots on here about greening the high street again, I just wanted to ask if anyone has seen the roundabout at Goose Green recently in East Dulwich? I think (and please correct me if I am wrong) it has recently had a facelift. Just simple grass and an architectural tree (don't know the name, something a bit tropical) in the centre. I know it is a bigger roundabout than ours but I am sure something like this could be adopted in Sydenham with a smaller shrub-like plant instead.
I noticed no problem at all with visibility despite the tree at Goose Green, and I am sure someone mentioned on here that Kirkdale roundabout used to have grass and bulbs etc on it in the past.
Is there any way we can convince the regen people that this may seem like a small change to them but would make a big difference to many of us!!! I have't been able to make the recent meetings due to childcare, but did they back up their refusal to do this with any convincing evidence that it would be a big problem?
Kirkdale roundabout
Kirkdale roundabout
Last edited by poppy on 18 Sep 2008 10:12, edited 1 time in total.