Sockpuppets on t'other forum

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Tim Lund
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by Tim Lund »

Homecroft wrote: 24 Jul 2019 13:36 Surely the fact it has been sent to a "complete stranger" albeit with the actual number redacted, shows it is not seen even by him as confidential?
I don't get the game being played here, it makes no sense. Simply send it to the person it relates to, or an intermediate party who can be trusted not to publish it? Once she has it, this is all pretty much done with.
In the meantime it just looks like another game being played.

Thanks for sharing that though Dick :)
I think the game being played is to frame the debate as being between two extreme positions, and appealing to neutrals, people of good judgement, to take a sensible, intermediary position. That is the role Dick is being invited to take on, in the same way that mods have been used, and suggest a moral equivalence between Chris and his numerous antagonists.

The problem with this is that Chris' behaviour, now attested by so many, is so far beyond norms, that many other people find it hard to credit, and the people who call it out are easily dismissed. On one of the recent threads there was something about contributors here 'frothing at the mouth', or it might have been foaming. Can't find it now, but once someone has aligned themselves with the 'sensible middle', it's difficult to say you'd got it wrong.

It also happens on the wider stage, when people accuse the Labour Party of being anti-semitic. Someone I've known for nearly fifty years recently wrote to me that he was "astonished that there are still real anti-semites around in this country". When a life lessons can be so shaped in the comfort of the BBC and other respectable media, it is easy to see why people who do raise concerns about extremists are considered extremists themselves.
brazil nut
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by brazil nut »

This whole Chris Beach affair really must be the talk of the town, I see Roz has reappeared on SE23.COM after a long hiatus (a hiatus induced by Chris Beach it would seem) ... 095&page=3
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by DickWynne »

Tim Lund wrote: 25 Jul 2019 08:55 . . .
. . .
I think the game being played is to frame the debate as being between two extreme positions, and appealing to neutrals, people of good judgement, to take a sensible, intermediary position. That is the role Dick is being invited to take on, in the same way that mods have been used, and suggest a moral equivalence between Chris and his numerous antagonists.
. . .
. . .
Yes I’m aware of the ‘moral equivalence’ game, and wary of being a footsoldier in it. Chris is the common factor in so many unhappy reported episodes that it would be perverse to believe him the perennial victim. He needs help, in person, from those close to him, and I sincerely hope he gets it.
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by stuart »

Amen Dick & Tim.

Over in SE23.COM I said it wasn't personal. All I want to do is help stop the pain - not to get even. Anything that can be done to assist in this gets my vote. As Rachael intimated - Chris has a career, a family and a life outside SE23/26. I wouldn't want to damage any of that or see it damaged by others.

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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by smiris »

Hi I used to post on - not for very long, though, as I never agreed with the way things were run over there, though I popped up again recently.
I wholeheartedly agree about not wanting to ruin anyone's life and that everyone needs to calm down a bit, but what worries me is that CB seems to be happy to ruin other people's lives and seems to be continuing in his campaign of police action, complaints of defamation etc... he's upset so many people that I'm not sure things will stop until he backs down or apologises or something...
This whole flavabaker thing has just opened up a can of worms and it's not going to be easy to put the lid back on!
Can anyone who knows him persuade him to call some sort of truce?
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by stuart »

I have just received this:
This is a formal request under the GDPR / Data Protection Act 2018.

Please remove any information from your site that personally identifies me and/or can be linked to me. I no longer wish to have anything to do with due to the unpleasant culture that has formed there. For example, the following page:


On a separate note, you may also wish to review some of the accounts on your forum to prevent your site hosting libel and defamation (and general unpleasantness).

Over on, a small handful of accounts which frequently made personal attacks on others were first warned about this behaviour and then eventually suspended after repeat offences. Some of these abusive accounts have now migrated to STF, so please see this as friendly advice - to steer STF to happy and community-focussed culture, you may wish to respond to the behaviour of these individuals.

Chris Beach
This i regard as further harrassment by Mr Beach. He has sent me numerous previous threats [example here]. He has been asked to stop it and been blocked. But obviously found a way round.

So here is a formal notice to Mr Beach. JUST STOP IT.

Nobody wants to hurt you, but we do need to stop you harrassing, bullying and telling phibs. The more you try, the more you will be exposed. Simples.

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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by Rachael »

Which site does he want you to remove data and clear out troublemakers from? I remember you passing on this site to the new admin several years ago.
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by DickWynne »

stuart wrote: 26 Jul 2019 13:57 I have just received this:
. . .
So nothing has changed or will change. Life's too short and real life beckons, so I'm out of 'there', also here as I'm not in SE26. I'm sorry this latest monstrous debacle and uncovering of skeletons leaves Chris Beach completely undaunted. Best wishes to all.

ETA I have passed to @rachael a theory about the CRN which I am happy for her to pass on.
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by stuart »

Rachael wrote: 26 Jul 2019 15:35 Which site does he want you to remove data and clear out troublemakers from? I remember you passing on this site to the new admin several years ago.
I guess he means STF so you are correct. Elsewhere on the web you can find him having a tirade against GDPR as a threat to small websites. Weird. I'm taking a break for the weekend.

s**t, I'd better screendump those pages fast :)
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by se23dotcom »

Ooh, I get to have a MeToo moment: ... 3#pid78893
Under advice from the ICO, this is a formal request under the GDPR / Data Protection Act 2018 that you remove personally identifiable information (including my name) from and any information that can be linked to me personally

Chris Beach
brazil nut
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by brazil nut »

se23dotcom wrote: 26 Jul 2019 19:04
Under advice from the ICO, this is a formal request under the GDPR / Data Protection Act 2018 that you remove personally identifiable information (including my name) from and any information that can be linked to me personally

Chris Beach
Can I suggest that the admin of any forum receiving a request from Mr Beach to delete/censor content made by other users which may contain his name or other identifying information does the following BEFORE capitulating:

Telephone the ICO (you can do so anonymously) and ask if the GDPR requires you to do that. I would be very surprised indeed if it does. It would mean no one could write anything anywhere about anyone ever!
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by DickWynne »

I know — I’m still here, but only just. It occurred to me today that I may have unwittingly deceived readers here on Chris Beach’s behalf, and for this reason I quote here an email this evening from me to him, outlining an admittedly ludicrous theory:

I like to believe [the] best of others, but you have been making this difficult. I cannot see why the CRN cannot be disseminated. As others have pointed out, CRNs are bandied about daily, for example with insurance companies and other interested parties, to no ill effect.

It occurred to me today that this entirely hypothetical situation could explain it:

<wild hypothesis>

There was never a report of harassment (or the like) on Nicola’s part, as this would expose your own subterfuge and lead the police to either dismiss the case (of which she would learn) or hold you equally responsible. You used this fiction to shut down, via the mods, certain discussion threads, and to shut down, indeed to cause anxiety to, Nicola (who admittedly made an error herself).

It suits you for it to be believed that a report against Nicola exists; she can be left dangling indefinitely in a state of uncertainty until (if you ever do) you conveniently report that the police have dropped the case for lack of evidence, or no likelihood of conviction.

To support this you harassed yourself via a sockpuppet account, and showed me the police acknowledgement of a report of that self-inflicted offence, minus the CRN.

Question to the [] mods: Have you seen anything from the police which confirms a report was made against Nicola? Or have you, as I suspect, seen only a police acknowledgement, with or without the CRN redacted?

</wild hypothesis>

This is entirely hypothetical as I said, but if true it would suit your purposes very conveniently. And if true you have committed a criminal offence.

I would dearly like for this hypothesis to be totally debunked, and you can very easily do this by releasing the perfectly harmless Kent Police CRN for the offence you reported, along with its date of reporting.

Feel free to reproduce the above, but in its entirety please.


His reply said nothing new but made it clear that given the choice, it appeared that he would sooner spite Nicola by concealing the CRN than do all he can to regain the confidence and respect of the SE23 community.

ETA: Chris states I have misrepresented his response, but has asked that I never contact him again. If he sees this: Chris, I am willing, with your permission, to publish your response here, in full. Let me know if that’s what you’d like me to do. It’s quite possible my summary of it is inadequate, and I have no wish to be unfair to you, nor indeed to see any harm come to you at all.

ETA: Chris has declined my offer.
Last edited by DickWynne on 27 Jul 2019 00:53, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by Homecroft »

Wow, something tells me the spin doctor is spinning wildly out of control now.
I have absolutely no doubt the above is completely plausible, and the responses both admitting spite and hurt is the aim, and the childish "never speak to me again" are again completely unsurprising.

Ever the victim, even when the whole thing started with an admission of staggering wrong doing and deceit. Always happy to turn the tables to some how have control, while furiously maintaining a guise of complete innocence. Same old story.

Yet another person dragged in from outside for simply showing a tiny bit of sympathy and interest in the side of the man. Befriended, trusted, and case aside when it didn't work. Sound familiar?

What an utter shit storm this is turning into. But I am sure if you asked, he is being kept up, sleepless nights, being denied time with his new born child by a selfish, small group of people determined for some reason to destroy him. And nothing to do with his immature, controlling behaviour of harassing and threatening someone with the threat of prosecution, rather than just publishing a CRN. The same kind of top secret CRN which is published on TV, newspapers, twitter, public notices etc to help with enquiries.

As for the GDPR requests. Hilarious. Just another virtual gagging order being banded around to once again try and stop people from reading the truth. Well CB, it's out there now, and once it's there it's always there.
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by DickWynne »

Homecroft wrote: 27 Jul 2019 00:50 Wow, something tells me the spin doctor is spinning wildly out of control now.
I have absolutely no doubt the above is completely plausible, and the responses both admitting spite and hurt is the aim, and the childish "never speak to me again" are again completely unsurprising.
In fairness to Chris he did not explicitly state that spite and hurt towards Nicola were his motives, this was my deduction from the fact that he chose in his response to suggest that our wish to see the CRN was based solely on a belief that Nicola was owed that information; and in his words he owed her nothing. This entirely ignored the wider issue of the misuse and deception he conducted on his own forum, and the controlling obfuscation he persists in.
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by Homecroft »

Fair play Dick, to be clear the intentions of spite and hurt are very much my own belief, as it fits his MO perfectly, and has done it before.
That is the whole problem, he owes no one anything, and everyone apparently owes him eternal gratitude for the forum.

DickWynne wrote: 27 Jul 2019 01:12 [

In fairness to Chris he did not explicitly state that spite and hurt towards Nicola were his motives, this was my deduction from the fact that he chose in his response to suggest that our wish to see the CRN was based solely on a belief that Nicola was owed that information; and in his words he owed her nothing. This entirely ignored the wider issue of the misuse and deception he conducted on his own forum, and the controlling obfuscation he persists in.
brazil nut
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by brazil nut »

stuart wrote: 26 Jul 2019 13:57 I have just received this:
This is a formal request under the GDPR / Data Protection Act 2018.

Please remove any information from your site that personally identifies me and/or can be linked to me. I no longer wish to have anything to do with due to the unpleasant culture that has formed there. For example, the following page:


On a separate note, you may also wish to review some of the accounts on your forum to prevent your site hosting libel and defamation (and general unpleasantness).

Over on, a small handful of accounts which frequently made personal attacks on others were first warned about this behaviour and then eventually suspended after repeat offences. Some of these abusive accounts have now migrated to STF, so please see this as friendly advice - to steer STF to happy and community-focussed culture, you may wish to respond to the behaviour of these individuals.

Chris Beach
se23dotcom wrote: 26 Jul 2019 19:04 Ooh, I get to have a MeToo moment: ... 3#pid78893
Under advice from the ICO, this is a formal request under the GDPR / Data Protection Act 2018 that you remove personally identifiable information (including my name) from and any information that can be linked to me personally

Chris Beach
Why doesn't he just tell STF and SE23.COM what he told his own mods? Namely:
SE23.Life mods wrote:

*** Moderator update ***

We’ve been informed this matter is now being formerly investigated by the police and as such, all information in this thread has been moved (not deleted) to a hidden area so as not to prejudice any investigation. The thread is now closed to further replies.

Or is that because he'd have to show their admin some real evidence of a CRN, not some Mickey Mouse LaLaLand version?
DickWynne wrote: 26 Jul 2019 21:08
<wild hypothesis>

There was never a report of harassment (or the like) on Nicola’s part, as this would expose your own subterfuge and lead the police to either dismiss the case (of which she would learn) or hold you equally responsible. You used this fiction to shut down, via the mods, certain discussion threads .

</wild hypothesis>
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by JGD »

Under advice from the ICO, this is a formal request under the GDPR / Data Protection Act 2018 that you remove personally identifiable information (including my name) from and any information that can be linked to me personally

Chris Beach
It is my recall that Nominet was one of Chris Beach's last invocations on STF before being given the bums-rush from there.

Didn't seem to be able to grasp Nominet would adjudicate on domain and web issues - not content disputes. Worra !

Don't think he gets that principle with the ICO and GDRP either. Worra !

To what entity is Chris Beach's mindless overreaching desire to inflict his will going to appeal to next ?

The Cats Protection League is my bet !!!! They must have an enforcement division and he must have saved a few pussy cats in his life.

Hunker down everyone.
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by JGD »

In another place, Pauline wrote:
I honestly don’t understand why peeps would want to leave this site as it’s great for our community. Remember everything you do online is collected by “cookies” which can look into all your online information. Much more than what this or any other local forum can.

I’m staying on here.
Good for you, Pauline! Loyalty is a thing to be treasured. But whether you like it or not, he has abused your trust. How many people did you meet and verify and Chris Beach has subsequently abused? How many of them deserved that treatment at the hands of Chris Beach?

And for the increasing number of people who have personally endured Chris Beach's bile and vituperative attacks - they can no longer enjoy the measure of trust to which they were entitled.

The community deserved that trust too - and the community has been abused by Chris Beach and their sense of community integrity trodden into the dust.

The bubble of his protestations and false assertions that he had integrity and would never engage in sock-puppetry has burst.

His perception that he can create further fabrications with impunity beyond what he confessed to with Flava Baker is coming to an end.
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by hotterthanurex »

OK, I might be a little over invested in this a-thousand-times-better-than-Love-Island thread... But can I just repeat one more time, CRN my B*LLS.
Because for a CRN to happen Chris Beach would have had to walk into his local Tunbridge Wells cop shop (or ring them, but that doesn't work too well dramatically) and say:

"Good morrow, Officer. I'm Chris Beach, a fully grown adult male. I spent a good deal of time and energy creating a fake Caribbean Bakery account on Twitter, and on the local forum that I own because I wanted to see if a woman I was having an Extremely Important Argument on the Internet with was saying unkind things about me. When she then emailed my fake bakery account with some personal information about me (to see if it was me), I wrote a gotcha post on aforementioned public forum I own, accusing her of threatening me. Which, yeah, I suppose, technically, was a lie. Anyway, can I have my CRN now please?"

Come on SE23.Life mods. We know the score. This guy is playing you. If you can live with that, that's fine. Sunken costs fallacy, perhaps?

Sad that the action is now fully over on SE23.Life, (you can't silence us forever, ya heartless bunch) and unfortunately I'm now rapidly losing sympathy for the Chris Beach character after reading the thread. :(
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by hotterthanurex »

Pauline, you're right, of course. However, the people that collect your personal data in the form of cookies don't live in your community. They don't have well documented history of having 'enemies' (jeeeeeezus), or arguing with people about stuff (you know, like teenagers on the internet do...) They don't run a forum that's become an important marketing tool for small local businesses, and that many local people rely on for recommendations. They aren't interested in finding out who you're friends with locally, or what you might be saying to them. A person with 'enemies', and who has complained of feeling persecuted might be. I hope that you can see how that's different, and how that it could leave people feeling rather unsettled.
If people want to use SE23.Life that's up to them, but they should get to read the Flava Baker thread before they make their mind up.

JGD wrote: 28 Jul 2019 21:35
In another place, Pauline wrote:
I honestly don’t understand why peeps would want to leave this site as it’s great for our community. Remember everything you do online is collected by “cookies” which can look into all your online information. Much more than what this or any other local forum can.

I’m staying on here.
Good for you, Pauline! Loyalty is a thing to be treasured. But whether you like it or not, he has abused your trust. How many people did you meet and verify and Chris Beach has subsequently abused? How many of them deserved that treatment at the hands of Chris Beach?

And for the increasing number of people who have personally endured Chris Beach's bile and vituperative attacks - they can no longer enjoy the measure of trust to which they were entitled.

The community deserved that trust too - and the community has been abused by Chris Beach and their sense of community integrity trodden into the dust.

The bubble of his protestations and false assertions that he had integrity and would never engage in sock-puppetry has burst.

His perception that he can create further fabrications with impunity beyond what he confessed to with Flava Baker is coming to an end.
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