Thank you JMLF. Very useful - I could never remember when they were open or not.
What is their limit on taproom opening. Beer, bar staff or the licence?
Just thought would pop on an award they have just recieved
Deserved if you ask me for the general ethos of the business and bringing something new to the high street whilst continuing to support the Sydenham Centre and it’s community based activities/events. Brill stuff.
I’ve politely asked Nick/Ignition to be a presence on here himself but in the meantime both with Ignition and any other local events I’ll put them on here for everyone’s knowledge
Thanks for your question, below. Our hours are limited at the moment as we test our operating model and also because some of our team have to be home early in the evening. We hope to look at some new slots in the spring
Thank you JMLF. Very useful - I could never remember when they were open or not.
What is their limit on taproom opening. Beer, bar staff or the licence?
JMLF, Your ignition images will have disappeared for many users here through no fault of your own. I have sent you a PM on how to restore them. A pity because the cause only damages the good work of both the workers and supporters of this great community taproom.