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by Jackbuckby
17 Feb 2015 22:13
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Liberty GB Candidate
Replies: 67
Views: 42557

Re: Liberty GB Candidate

When have I ever suggested that homosexuality is wrong, that I dislike it or that I am scared of it?

Oh, and suggesting I would rewrite history? Where on earth did you get that from?

From your foolish partys site:-

Promote morality, marriage (but not same-sex 'marriage'), the family, the ...
by Jackbuckby
17 Feb 2015 22:11
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Liberty GB Candidate
Replies: 67
Views: 42557

Re: Liberty GB Candidate

The problem I see with what you post here is that you take something that is a fact and extrapolate it into unsupported scaremongering. Is this the best we can expect from a university education these days?

Here is my final contribution to this thread: ...
by Jackbuckby
17 Feb 2015 22:04
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Liberty GB Candidate
Replies: 67
Views: 42557

Re: Liberty GB Candidate

So maybe LibertyGB have got the right man for the right job

Yeah a racist homophobe who would rewrite history. Like i say I am worried about immigration from an econmoic vew point and I dont like the more rabid element in Islam but I aint gonna vote for this dumb moron.

When have I ever ...
by Jackbuckby
17 Feb 2015 22:02
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Liberty GB Candidate
Replies: 67
Views: 42557

Re: Liberty GB Candidate

Race is not an artificial construct. It exists. Put an African man next to an English man and there is a difference. Denying race exists is on par with denying that cheese or bicycles exist.
What is the difference? Spell it out if you are going to define it. Remember in my family we have white ...
by Jackbuckby
17 Feb 2015 21:45
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Liberty GB Candidate
Replies: 67
Views: 42557

Re: Liberty GB Candidate

Oh, well, if we are taking the Telegraph as a respected news source, you might want to read this:

(You see I can make some effort myself.)

The source is within the article. The source is not the Telegraph ...
by Jackbuckby
17 Feb 2015 21:42
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Liberty GB Candidate
Replies: 67
Views: 42557

Re: Liberty GB Candidate

Why are you asking if you can stay? I've never suggested kicking anyone out.

No Im just trying to find out where you draw the line as to who can legitimetly live here and who is culturly ineligible. This century? Last one? The 1600s? When?

Again, I'm not suggesting anyone get kicked out.

You ...
by Jackbuckby
17 Feb 2015 21:30
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Liberty GB Candidate
Replies: 67
Views: 42557

Re: Liberty GB Candidate

So you can trace your bloodline back 16000 years can yuo?[/quote]

The majority of it, yes. That much is obvious by looking at me. I'm not suggesting there is such a thing as a 'pure race'. I'm part American Indian myself, but I am majority stock white European.[/quote]

Sadly i cant. Im kind of ...
by Jackbuckby
17 Feb 2015 21:26
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Liberty GB Candidate
Replies: 67
Views: 42557

Re: Liberty GB Candidate

Oh, well, if we are taking the Telegraph as a respected news source, you might want to read this:

(You see I can make some effort myself.)

The source is within the article. The source is not the Telegraph ...
by Jackbuckby
17 Feb 2015 21:22
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Liberty GB Candidate
Replies: 67
Views: 42557

Re: Liberty GB Candidate

As for the definition of indigenous - we do not have our own definition. The word has an official definition and it is:

"originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native"

When you consider Britain, this refers to the people who are native to this island. The indigenous folk of ...
by Jackbuckby
17 Feb 2015 21:18
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Liberty GB Candidate
Replies: 67
Views: 42557

Re: Liberty GB Candidate

I was editing my post while you were last posting, and you will see I made a request for knowledge. Rather than click on any of those links you provided (my mother told me never to follow strangers, and I apply that to internet safety too), can you answer my question on your sources in the body of ...
by Jackbuckby
17 Feb 2015 21:16
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Liberty GB Candidate
Replies: 67
Views: 42557

Re: Liberty GB Candidate

Reading your posts is suicide to my brain. Contradictory and full of unsupported claims (your posts, not my brain).

Let's start with this, as it at least claiming to be a fact:
Even 40% of Muslims in the UK want Sharia - and that doesn't include those practicing Taqiyyah

Please define more ...
by Jackbuckby
17 Feb 2015 21:16
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Liberty GB Candidate
Replies: 67
Views: 42557

Re: Liberty GB Candidate

Reading your posts is suicide to my brain. Contradictory and full of unsupported claims (your posts, not my brain).

Let's start with this, as it at least claiming to be a fact:
Even 40% of Muslims in the UK want Sharia - and that doesn't include those practicing Taqiyyah

Please define more ...
by Jackbuckby
17 Feb 2015 21:14
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Liberty GB Candidate
Replies: 67
Views: 42557

Re: Liberty GB Candidate

We don't promote racism. Period. Never have, never will. Nor does the EDL. Islam is not a race. Our concern is with Islam. We do not hate anybody because of their race, either. Your claims are unfounded and ludicrous.
Pardon? The two quotes I gave at the start on racism and the criminal way we ...
by Jackbuckby
17 Feb 2015 21:11
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Liberty GB Candidate
Replies: 67
Views: 42557

Re: Liberty GB Candidate

Reading your posts is suicide to my brain. Contradictory and full of unsupported claims (your posts, not my brain).

If knowledge is suicide to you, I think you need to re-examine your priorities in life. ...
by Jackbuckby
17 Feb 2015 21:00
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Liberty GB Candidate
Replies: 67
Views: 42557

Re: Liberty GB Candidate

This is a common mistake. The Bible is not the word of one man claiming to be channeling the word of a deity. The Qur'an is. The Bible is therefore interpreted in many ways.

Many Christians believe the Bible is the word of their god, channelled through those that wrote it. The fact it was ...
by Jackbuckby
17 Feb 2015 20:28
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Liberty GB Candidate
Replies: 67
Views: 42557

Re: Liberty GB Candidate

What is your posting of this video meant to prove or suggest?
I am not trying to prove anything. The video is there as background for people to make their own judgements about you and your methods. Not influenced by me but by yourself.

I had never heard of LibertyGB until the first post here. I ...
by Jackbuckby
17 Feb 2015 20:20
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Liberty GB Candidate
Replies: 67
Views: 42557

Re: Liberty GB Candidate

Islam condones slavery, rape and fascism - and we oppose this.

So does the Bible, if you are minded to interpret it that way.

Islam does not condone slavery, rape and fascism. People who interpret it that way do. Oppose the people promoting these beliefs, not the religion (I say this as a ...
by Jackbuckby
17 Feb 2015 20:13
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Liberty GB Candidate
Replies: 67
Views: 42557

Re: Liberty GB Candidate

Im with yuo on the matter of Islamofasism. And I worried about immigration not on racist lines like you but on purely economic lines. Trouble is you're lumping all races together if some of the stuff you been coming out with is anything to go by.

In essence, culturism is the opposite of multi ...
by Jackbuckby
17 Feb 2015 18:04
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Liberty GB Candidate
Replies: 67
Views: 42557

Re: Liberty GB Candidate

What is your posting of this video meant to prove or suggest?

Are you suggesting this is significant?

If you do more research than just Googling my name, you'd see that I became a critic of the BNP after I gave that speech. My suggestion that today's politics should focus on culture and not race ...
by Jackbuckby
16 Feb 2015 22:38
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Liberty GB Candidate
Replies: 67
Views: 42557

Re: Liberty GB Candidate


Reading thoroughly is important. Can you direct me to where either of us suggested forcing people out? Sending people away?

Neither of us have ever suggested that. What we have suggested, however, is that the policy from the 1970 Conservative Party manifesto of encouraging some immigrants ...