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by Roger Mellie
24 Apr 2015 16:03
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Parliamentary Election Hustings
Replies: 120
Views: 101194

Re: Parliamentary Election Hustings - 24th April

Tom Chance (Green) going to be on Penge High St next two Saturdays at 11am and invites other candidates to join: ... #more-1479
by Roger Mellie
24 Apr 2015 11:46
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Parliamentary Election Hustings
Replies: 120
Views: 101194

Re: Parliamentary Election Hustings - 24th April

Penge cancelled as well: ... cancelled/

A sad day for democracy
by Roger Mellie
23 Apr 2015 12:04
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Parliamentary Election Hustings
Replies: 120
Views: 101194

Re: Parliamentary Election Hustings - 24th April

Indication on Penge Tourist Board facebook page re the hustings planned there:

"We are still talking. If it does go ahead it won't be at St John's. That's about all I can say right now"
by Roger Mellie
23 Apr 2015 09:27
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Parliamentary Election Hustings
Replies: 120
Views: 101194

Re: Parliamentary Election Hustings - 24th April

Extremely disappointing that it has come to this.

I'm no supporter of Liberty GB, but I would contend if they are permitted to exist as a party in the UK and stand for election then it is not really up to other parties to decide if they are eligible for a platform, rather the public.
by Roger Mellie
14 Apr 2015 15:07
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Parliamentary Election Hustings
Replies: 120
Views: 101194

Re: Parliamentary Election Hustings - 24th April

For any who can't make this, or live on the Penge side the same suspects will be lining up at St Johns Church, Penge on April 29th: ... -election/
by Roger Mellie
4 Dec 2014 14:52
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Overground - first five carriage train arrives!
Replies: 16
Views: 15194

Re: Overground - first five carriage train arrives!

Thanks biscuit I'll read properly next time!
by Roger Mellie
4 Dec 2014 12:16
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Overground - first five carriage train arrives!
Replies: 16
Views: 15194

Re: Overground - first five carriage train arrives!

Does anyone know the rollout schedule of these?

I use the line every day and the only time I have even seen one is on a Saturday afternoon - never in morning or evening peak.

Suggests to me there are perhaps only a couple in use at the moment?
by Roger Mellie
30 Sep 2014 12:56
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: japanese knotwood
Replies: 11
Views: 11916

Re: japanese knotwood

There are some previous posts on this if you search under knotweed - I've copied one of my previous responses below:

I learned a lot about this recently as we were looking at buying a property where it was found in the garden.

It is treatable, and there are professional firms that do this - just ...
by Roger Mellie
8 Apr 2014 12:02
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Southern
Replies: 22
Views: 15426

Re: Southern

Going back to the OP - as I understand if a train misses any scheduled stops it is counted as a cancelled train for the purposes of the statistics even if it arrives at its final destination on time.
by Roger Mellie
14 Mar 2014 14:06
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Japanese Knotweed, anyone?
Replies: 7
Views: 7774

Re: Japanese Knotweed, anyone?

I learned a lot about this recently as we were looking at buying a property where it was found in the garden.

It is treatable, and there are professional firms that do this - just cutting it down yourself is a big no-no and will exacerbate the problem (and is illegal)

There are plenty of scare ...