Search found 5 matches

by Fruitbat
3 Oct 2013 09:39
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Is It Faster to Cycle or Take Public Transport?
Replies: 26
Views: 16707

Re: Is It Faster to Cycle or Take Public Transport?

Cycling in Sydenham is not for the faint hearted.
by Fruitbat
3 Oct 2013 09:37
Forum: Town Hall
Replies: 91
Views: 54691


Terrible idea.
Already sensing a "combined with retail unit space" scenario. What else would they put in a massive glass structure?
by Fruitbat
26 Jan 2013 08:07
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: 20mph zone proposed for 'Thorpes' area of Sydenham
Replies: 20
Views: 14410

Re: 20mph zone proposed for 'Thorpes' area of Sydenham

Yes. 20mph straightaway - no idea why there is even a 'consultation' anyway, waste of time. Should be same across London. Please bring it in on highclere and sunnydene too and let's have a few cameras as well while we're at it. And a pedestrian crossing at the entrance to mayow park. Tak.

[ Post ...
by Fruitbat
24 Apr 2012 20:25
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Rebranding Lower Sydenham
Replies: 56
Views: 32623

Re: Rebranding Lower Sydenham

I enjoyed some of these suggestions, although "Sydenham-juxta-Catford"? the intention was to *raise* the tone of the neighbourhood ;)

I confess I had no idea about the "Library Quarter" thing. Sounds a little NYC or Parisian for my liking. Perhaps Sydenham Libris would work better.
by Fruitbat
18 Apr 2012 12:20
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Rebranding Lower Sydenham
Replies: 56
Views: 32623

Rebranding Lower Sydenham

After all this "Kirkdale Village" malarky, I've been a-thinking that a good way to improve the Lower Sydenham area would be to give it a new name.

Lets face it we Lower Sydenhamites have it tough. There is some green space in Home Park, and we're in close proximity to Giga-Sainsburys and a wide ...