Search found 24 matches

by peter coppin
22 Jun 2008 20:43
Forum: Town Museum & Gallery
Topic: Croydon Canal revisited
Replies: 19
Views: 26064


I take it from your what you say, you will be updating you great information at sometime.

Mines only an observation considered I`ve lived in and around forest hill all my life - I never knew the canal where the canal came from or went to until about 3 years ago.

your info is what first brought ...
by peter coppin
20 Jun 2008 21:16
Forum: Town Museum & Gallery
Topic: Croydon Canal revisited
Replies: 19
Views: 26064

hi roger

firstly I find your site very good, however it appears to differ around the new cross gate station area where according to maps and prints the canal ran next to th railway and to the north.

Where it should be noted that the railway at new cross gate is built on made up land from spoils ...
by peter coppin
19 Jun 2008 15:31
Forum: Town Museum & Gallery
Topic: coleson's coppice
Replies: 11
Views: 20339

well there you go - keeps the fun going and intresting
by peter coppin
19 Jun 2008 07:54
Forum: Town Museum & Gallery
Topic: coleson's coppice
Replies: 11
Views: 20339

Thanks Lambchop - and yes I beleive your right - it appears the name comes from cornwall - where it appears that the coppins arrived in london around the time of the battle of deptford bridge ( which I understand was possibly the last battle to be fort in london - pitty Lewisham Council have not ...
by peter coppin
17 Jun 2008 20:03
Forum: Town Museum & Gallery
Topic: coleson's coppice
Replies: 11
Views: 20339

Coleson's Coppice

Well steve you never cease to amaze me with your knowledge of the area. I was of the understanding that the house called "the manor" was directly behind and in the grounds of "Fairlawn House" which had some conection with "Castrol Oil"?. Somewhere around there was also an Observatory?

I have just ...
by peter coppin
15 Jun 2008 12:37
Forum: Town Museum & Gallery
Topic: coleson's coppice
Replies: 11
Views: 20339

coleson's coppice

Hi all

This is possibly one for steve or will - any information about coleson's coppice which appears to be at the far edge of sydenham common - any info on the manor house and the folly near horniman drive?


by peter coppin
30 Apr 2008 18:51
Forum: Town Museum & Gallery
Topic: The Crystal Palace Pneumatic Railway
Replies: 76
Views: 162775

Being a pain again the times advert says visitors in carriages should drive to the sydenham gate - so do foot passengers go to the penge gate.

Sorry to keep on I'll stop before I P to many people off.
by peter coppin
30 Apr 2008 18:46
Forum: Town Museum & Gallery
Topic: The Crystal Palace Pneumatic Railway
Replies: 76
Views: 162775

I bow to both steve and will's knowledge of the history of sydenham and the palace. I accept what steve says about the engine house`s. I also accept that passengers were advised to arive at the sydenham gate.

But being a pain, I still go with the physics of the engineering and believe the carriage ...
by peter coppin
30 Apr 2008 06:42
Forum: Town Museum & Gallery
Topic: The Crystal Palace Pneumatic Railway
Replies: 76
Views: 162775

The ILN appears to contridict itself - However it origionaly says that the carriage is pushed up-hill - Although the victorians were good engineers. There is no phyisical way they could have sealed a tunnel some 440 to 600 yrds long - depleted the air in it - caused a vaccume and drawn the carriiage ...
by peter coppin
29 Apr 2008 18:43
Forum: Town Museum & Gallery
Topic: The Crystal Palace Pneumatic Railway
Replies: 76
Views: 162775


Further to what you say - if passengers got on at sydenham gate - they could also have got off at sydenham gate - a round trip - controled decent and forced back up the incline.

Again who knows its just a possibility - but I do believe the whole system was operated from the penge end.

again ...
by peter coppin
28 Apr 2008 18:49
Forum: Town Museum & Gallery
Topic: The Crystal Palace Pneumatic Railway
Replies: 76
Views: 162775


Do me a kindness - assume that the lower engine house is the power plant at the penge gate. Re-read the ILN artical as if it was writtern around an engine house at the penge gate and I would say the physics of the artical make the penge gate the engine house.

If passengers got on at the ...
by peter coppin
28 Apr 2008 09:05
Forum: Town Museum & Gallery
Topic: The Crystal Palace Pneumatic Railway
Replies: 76
Views: 162775

Well who knows.

I accept there was no turntable - all I was trying to point out is the carriages entre the tunnel the same way round. front end of carriage (furthest away from the seal) first. No turntable then same entrance - albeit artist licence.

As for the power plant Victorian's were good ...
by peter coppin
28 Apr 2008 05:49
Forum: Town Museum & Gallery
Topic: The Crystal Palace Pneumatic Railway
Replies: 76
Views: 162775

The business about derailment etc was to comply with the urban myth.

The real matter was that in both engravings the carriage is faceing the same way into the tunnel. So without a turntable its the same entrance.

That being so one is an artist impression and one is more like reality. If the fan ...
by peter coppin
27 Apr 2008 21:02
Forum: Town Museum & Gallery
Topic: The Crystal Palace Pneumatic Railway
Replies: 76
Views: 162775


with out going on - the carriages in both engravings face the same way so its the same tunnel entrance and I would believe the penge end in order to push the carriage up the incline and the return would have been under ithe influence of gravity - possibley controled by the pressure from the fan.
by peter coppin
27 Apr 2008 13:18
Forum: Town Museum & Gallery
Topic: The Crystal Palace Pneumatic Railway
Replies: 76
Views: 162775

was the carriage not 35ft long? of course the collar had to be flexible that was the nature of it to seal the tunnel to the carriage. Therefore to negociate the curve the air gap around the carriage had to be a few inches. inner edge of any curve has a less distance therefore - pressure = force over ...
by peter coppin
27 Apr 2008 11:24
Forum: Town Museum & Gallery
Topic: The Crystal Palace Pneumatic Railway
Replies: 76
Views: 162775

Just being a pain - looking at the engravin's

The bristle collar is at the rear of the carriage in both engravins - artist licence or was there a turntable at each end - piston rings are near to of piston's -

I put to the forum that if the pressure did not impinge on the end with the collar, then ...
by peter coppin
22 Apr 2008 02:48
Forum: Town Museum & Gallery
Topic: The Crystal Palace Pneumatic Railway
Replies: 76
Views: 162775


Just a point of information - from these posts there are 2 seperate articles - on the railway - the ILN and the new york times? - both with measurements.
by peter coppin
20 Apr 2008 17:08
Forum: Town Museum & Gallery
Topic: The Crystal Palace Pneumatic Railway
Replies: 76
Views: 162775

route of atmospheric railway

Looking at all the posts and the engravings - it appears to be the most feasible route, it is also noted from the ILN that the gradiant was 1 in 15. Since your route goes through what appears to be a man made mound - could the sydenham end gone underground and if so could there be any truth in ...
by peter coppin
16 Apr 2008 22:41
Forum: Town Asylum
Topic: Quoting private messages in the forum
Replies: 30
Views: 42896

well we appear to have lost an intresting member - for what?

by peter coppin
13 Apr 2008 13:51
Forum: Town Museum & Gallery
Topic: Barnard's Farm and Penge Place Lodge
Replies: 8
Views: 10835

Sorry to all the authors of the forum, for not recognising your efforts and making a response - I assure you, if the information was not as good as it is, then it is certain that members would respond.

To all the authours of the forum, with their postings and arguments. It is this that make our ...