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Kickboxing or other martial art

Posted: 11 Oct 2012 23:12
by Woodo
Hi there

I've just moved to Sydenham and I'm keen to take up a martial art of some description - mostly for self defence. I'm struggling to find any clubs anywhere near Sydenham - does anyone know of anywhere?


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Re: Kickboxing or other martial art

Posted: 12 Oct 2012 11:55
by Bazman76
Not in sydenham but the following are all about 10 min drive.

KO kickboxing south London:
I currently train here
Nice club, but a little pricey ) (in crystal palace, trained by Nick Ocipzak who was in the UFC)
Great club but again a little pricey also 10 mins away.
only trained here once but seen enough to make me thing its good.

I also do Judo but that's over in Blackheath (where I used to live) its about 20 mins in the car, can give you more details if you are interested.
Its good tried the boxing for a while but ultimately relaised I prefer muay thai, but a nice gym nonetheless.

There is also a boxing gym, in Crystal Palace run by Duke McKenzie, but its very expensive so I've never actually trained there.

Re: Kickboxing or other martial art

Posted: 12 Oct 2012 23:15
by Woodo
This is brilliant, much appreciated thank you. Is muay Thai a bit hardcore for girls or open to all levels?

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Re: Kickboxing or other martial art

Posted: 13 Oct 2012 14:06
by Bazman76
I know that both Scorpion's and KO offer women only classes although you are welcome to join the regular classes too.

Its just one of these things, try the different classes/clubs out and figure out what suits you best.

Re: Kickboxing or other martial art

Posted: 13 Oct 2012 14:10
by Bazman76
Just too add, Miguel's also offer Thai boxing classes, although I haven't tried them.

But Miguel's seems to have a fair amount of women train there, and is prolly the most laid back women friendly gym on the list.

Which is not to say that Scorpion's or KO are bad.