Motorbikes riding on the pavement today in Sydenham High St

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Motorbikes riding on the pavement today in Sydenham High St

Post by NatashaM »

Was anyone else on the High st around 4.30? There was a guy wearing a blue helmet on a motorbike weaving in and out of pedestrians on a very packed pavement - I was totally stunned. It was along by boots just before the Natwest - he carried on for quite a long time.

I later saw him and two more racing up Kirkdale and down again (on the pavement again by Tesco's).
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Re: Motorbikes riding on the pavement today in Sydenham High

Post by Eagle »

Regretably does not surprise me. What Police there are seem to be investigation the deceased.

All Bikes , whether Motor or Manual should not be on the Pavement.

I do hope you are OK and no one else was hurt in this criminal incident.
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Re: Motorbikes riding on the pavement today in Sydenham High

Post by robbieduncan »

Report it to the police. If there are enough reports then eventually they will do something. Hopefully permanently remove the bikes for a start
Bovine Juice
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Re: Motorbikes riding on the pavement today in Sydenham High

Post by Bovine Juice »

The police are well aware of them. It's happening all over the local area. There have been complaints of them groping females as they do so in Palace. The bikes are usually stolen and the perps chuck away their helmets if chased as they know the police can't risk chasing them like that. I'd still advise reporting, if only because the stats are used to ensure police numbers are maintained.
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Re: Motorbikes riding on the pavement today in Sydenham High

Post by robbieduncan »

Maybe a harsh viewpoint but I don't see why the Police/society should be all that worried about the risk these criminals choose to take with regards to their own health. They should be pursued and caught.
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Re: Motorbikes riding on the pavement today in Sydenham High

Post by leenewham »

Eagle wrote:Regretably does not surprise me. What Police there are seem to be investigation the deceased.
What an incredibly ignorant thing to say!
You mean the police trying to bring justice for people STILL ALIVE who were abused by people, some of whom are now dead.
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Re: Motorbikes riding on the pavement today in Sydenham High

Post by Willy »

Maybe a harsh viewpoint but I don't see why the Police/society should be all that worried about the risk these criminals choose to take with regards to their own health. They should be pursued and caught.
I totally agree, the police can chase a drunk driver speeding along the road who probably poses more of a danger to themselves and everyone else but they are not allowed to chase some spotty youth on a stolen motorbike in case the poor thing crashes and loses one of their two bran cells.
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Re: Motorbikes riding on the pavement today in Sydenham High

Post by admin »

Please keep this thread on the topic of motorbikes on Sydenham pavements. General crime and punishment is for the pub and will be moved there.

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Re: Motorbikes riding on the pavement today in Sydenham High

Post by blakewho »

There were four of them who zipped past me on the corner of Westwood Hill/Lawrie Park Rd on Wednesday, about 7pm. I was waiting to cross the road when the first of them turned into Lawrie Park very close to the kerb without signalling. If I'd stepped back to avoid him, the second rider cutting the corner across the pavement would have taken me out, perhaps permanently. Two more then followed as I stood on the kerb mouthing a bewildered 'WTF?'
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Re: Motorbikes riding on the pavement today in Sydenham High

Post by MartinH »

Hello, its been a while since I contributed to this forum, for one reason or another, but something I witnessed yesterday made me feel as if I would gladly do "time"for. I had been to the Nat West, about 4.30, and decided to saunter up to Pedder's estate agents with a view to looking at the exorbitant prices that are being asked for terraced houses in my road. I was dumbfounded to see a young lad on a motocross bike scything in and out of pedestrians coming down the pavement. He drove the motorbike without any thought as to who he might injure and it was only for the alertness of the pedestrians, some of whom were in their seventies, that a serious accident was avoided. I cannot hide the fact that as he approached me I saw a "red mist" and only managed to control my actions by way of the fact that with the speed that he was travelling any loss of control would have meant that serious injury would have resulted to one or more pedestrians. I do hope that CCTV cameras have captured this madman and will enable the police to make an arrest. Unfortunately I feel it will be left to an anonymous individual to take action, preferably with a baseball bat.
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Re: Motorbikes riding on the pavement today in Sydenham High

Post by Nigel »

Absolutely agree - this is beyond spotty Herbert stuff - this is intimidation and wilfully risking the safety of everyone .
It's so plain nasty and I do hope they are caught before anyone is hurt
A very good evening
Bovine Juice
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Re: Motorbikes riding on the pavement today in Sydenham High

Post by Bovine Juice »

What makes it all the more crackers is one of them lost a leg recently after trying to do stunts down Anerley Hill and ending up crashing into a cafe. The idiots doing it in Sydenham will be aware of the other clown's accident but it doesn't seem to matter. Oh the folly of youth...
The Clown
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Re: Motorbikes riding on the pavement today in Sydenham High

Post by The Clown »

I was followed up Homecroft just now by a young lad with L plates texting on his phone as he followed me around the corner. Nasty accident/s imminent at this rate. I trust any parent reading this who has a young adult who is a road user provide another safety briefing sharpish!
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Re: Motorbikes riding on the pavement today in Sydenham High

Post by alywin »

Wonder if it's the same load of idiots who were doing wheelies up and down the high street at lunchtime on Tuesday? They were at least on the road.
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Re: Motorbikes riding on the pavement today in Sydenham High

Post by broken_shaman »

Eagle wrote:All Bikes , whether Motor or Manual should not be on the Pavement.
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Re: Motorbikes riding on the pavement today in Sydenham High

Post by leenewham »

Yes, that story was about someone being stupid.

Only a complete moron would force a little kid to ride their bike on the road instead of the pavement. No-one on this forum thinks like that obviously.

Obviously only a complete moron would use their motorbike on a pavement too. There seems to be a fair bit of this about at the moment though.
Last edited by leenewham on 16 Oct 2015 11:54, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Motorbikes riding on the pavement today in Sydenham High

Post by admin »

The topic has again been diverted. Please keep on-topic. Clue: Motorbikes on Pavements in Sydenham (choose at least two from three). Otherwise please post it down the pub.

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Re: Motorbikes riding on the pavement today in Sydenham High

Post by JRobinson »

at the risk of doing yourself damage, an arm in their chest/throat as they go past will make them think twice about doing the same in the future. Whatever happened to 'social justice' (if that's the right phrase) - if you see something wrong, you should try to do something about it, rather than leaving it and then reporting it online hours later.

who reads STF anyway?! certainly not the young men who are riding stolen motorbikes and scooters up and down the high street, or the local special constables. If the first are, they don't care, if the second are, they're not doing anything about the problem.

yes I am advocating vigilantism!
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Re: Motorbikes riding on the pavement today in Sydenham High

Post by Nigel »

I saw a moron on a motor bike with a passenger on the back , mount the kerb opposite LA fitness after coming round Cobbs .
I was in stationery traffic approaching Cobbs from Kirkdale but the road from Cobbs to Kirkdale was virtually empty - ie it was done purely out of spite . He was travelling at at least 30 possibly more .
If anyone had stepped out of their garden onto the pavement there coukd easily have been a fatal accident at that speed .
Surely there must be CcTV that would have caught them ?
A very good morning
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