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by Granine
15 Aug 2017 21:16
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Beggars on the high street
Replies: 35
Views: 39258

Re: Beggars on the high street

They are happy with this way of life? Really?? Yes, they are a problem, but stop for a minute and think about the root cause. They have been subjected to a pretty shit life so far, so let's not try and make their lives any more shit by treating them like some kind of vermin. They are (primarily ...
by Granine
15 Aug 2017 20:38
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Beggars on the high street
Replies: 35
Views: 39258

Re: Beggars on the high street

Have you ever stopped to consider why these people might be begging in the first place? It's not a lifestyle choice on their behalf, I'm pretty sure they would rather not have to do it. So rather than spend energy berating them, show a little compassion eh?
by Granine
4 Mar 2015 18:57
Forum: Town Kids
Topic: Venue for Kids Party
Replies: 4
Views: 4969

Re: Venue for Kids Party

The Grove Centre on Jews Walk and the church hall at St Barts church can both be hired out for parties. Diddy Dino's pre school near CP park used to hire for parties too (not sure if they still do). A little further afield there's the scout hut in Honor Oak and the Harris Girls Academy next to ...
by Granine
2 Dec 2010 07:56
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: UPDATED Weather and travel
Replies: 79
Views: 60927

Re: Weather and travel

Just got on a (very busy) train from Sydenham to London bridge. Overground is running a limited service. 

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[ Post made via Mobile Device ] Image
by Granine
12 Aug 2010 16:54
Forum: Town Cafe
Topic: I need someone to do my decking
Replies: 1
Views: 1831

I need someone to do my decking

I'm looking to get some raised decking replaced in my garden in Sydenham. Can anyone recommend a contractor to do this?
Thanks in advance!